


India makes final anti-dumping ruling on China-related stainless steel coils


2022-03-03 14:24

On December 23, 2020, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India issued an announcement stating that it would be responsible for the production or import from China, South Korea, the European Union, Japan, Indonesia, the United States, Thailand, South Africa, UAE, Singapore, Mexico, Vietnam, Malaysia, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China and Taiwan of China made anti-dumping final rulings. 1) In view of the countervailing duty (China, final ruling on July 4, 2017) and provisional countervailing duty (Indonesia, preliminary ruling on August 7, 2020) on stainless steel coils in China and Indonesia, it is recommended that China The difference between the product involved in the case and the current countervailing duty of US$454/ton, and the difference between the US$167-441/ton and the current temporary countervailing duty on the products involved in the case in Indonesia. If the tax is higher than the determined US$454/ton and US$167-441/ton, anti-dumping duties will not be imposed on the products involved in China and Indonesia; 2) Anti-dumping duties should be levied on the products involved in South Korea, the European Union, Japan, Malaysia, and Taiwan. The specific tax amount is: South Korea 67-370 USD/ton, EU 0-944 USD/ton, Japan 67-374 USD/ton, Malaysia 237474 USD/ton, China Taiwan 336 USD/ton; 3) Termination of Or import from the United States, Thailand, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Mexico, Vietnam, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China in anti-dumping investigations of the involved products, no anti-dumping measures will be implemented. The above anti-dumping measures shall take effect from the date of the announcement by the Indian Central Government and shall be valid for five years. This case mainly involved products under the Indian customs codes 7219 and 7220.

On July 3, 2019, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India issued an announcement stating that in response to a joint application submitted by the Indian Stainless Steel Development Association and the Indian stainless steel manufacturer, it is necessary to deal with products originating in or imported from China, South Korea, the European Union, Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, and the United States. , Thailand, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, Singapore, Mexico, Vietnam and Malaysia launched anti-dumping investigations. The dumping investigation period for this case was from April 2018 to March 2019, and the damage investigation period was 2015-2018 and the dumping investigation period.




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